
Uses for Lambs Quarters

Lambs quarters (Chenopodium album –L)

 Lamb's quarter is an erect, annual weed, 1-3 feet high; the stem often mealy, red-streaked. Leaves somewhat diamond-shaped, coarsely toothed; mealy white beneath. Flowers greenish-white, on densely flowered spikes, inconspicuous; in clusters; June to October.

Time of Year:  Spring to fall (seed in oct and nov)

Location:  All of North America
ClickHere for map  If it does not grow in your area do a search to see what kind does

Nutrient Content
Phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B2, Niacin, and C

Flowers, Seeds and Leaves

Editable uses
  • This plant a spinach substitute that is why many call it wild spinach (I cook it with a little garlic mustard plant)
  • Not a good plant for salads
  • But the seeds can be soaked and sprouted for salads
  • Cook the whole flower heads and they have a broccoli taste to them
  • The seeds can be ground and added to breads (because they are high in carbs and protein it is a good addition to any food) **note but the seeds should be soaked first to pull out the toxins they have.

Medical Uses
I call this the camper’s plant because…..
  • Boil the leaves and make a wash for sunstroke or a tea to help with sunstroke. 
  • The leaves decrease  pain by reducing inflammation. Tea or mash
  • Bug Bites, Burns, aching joints and swollen feet...spread a mash on them
  • The seeds are used for
  •  The leaves can be eaten raw to help support the healing of anemic blood conditions
  • Ever here of Beano well this does the same thing iy help with gas chew on a few leaves (just a few because to many can be toxic)
  •  The roots made in a tea make a good  laxative
  •   Make a juice form the plant and use it as mouthwash for tightening the gums and eliminating bad breath.

Other Uses
  • Makes a great green Dye
  • The roots have saponin in them, which makes a natural soapy substance when mashed 
  • Many farmers use this plant for their livestock (it grows fast and has nutritional value) mostly Chickens (that is why some call this plant fat hen)

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